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One Guy in Minnesota
Thursday, January 10, 2008
She Talks!
Well, it is actually more of a babble but still, only 4 months old and she is already trying to mimic us.
It is nothing short of amazing. You would not believe the joy I get when I come home and she smiles at me. Makes a bad day bright. She is also starting to play with toys, sort of, she mostly just holds them and tries to shove them in her mouth, but still. We still need to work on her tummy time and try to get her to sit, she already has a very strong neck and she can stand with minimal support but i guess for developmental reasons they should actually crawl before they stand, don't ask me why.
In beer news I have recently began to try Barley Wines. It was something that I never tried because I was under the impression that it was a fruity lambic "wine" type of thing. But when Flat Earth Brewery said they were coming out with one and gave it a small description it did not sound like I imagined (imagine that). So I got a small bottle of Victory Brewery's Old Horizontal and I was very happy with it. Malty, some hops, nothing too strong though but what is strong is the ABV. 11 for the Old Horizontal but I guess that can be on the low end. The clerk at the store said that this is a good beer have on a cold winter night next to the stove. Which I did not do, I drank it outside in 10 degree weather grilling a steak and I drank it fast so I really didnt get to enjoy it like I should have but it was still very good. I thin I may have to swing by the old Liq tonight and pick me up a 6'er of some Barley Wine.
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