Friday, January 18, 2008

Hitting the Rink and Storm King

Played an actual game of hockey last Saturday, pads and all. Well, let me tell you I was very shakey out there. I fell twice, pulled a muscle on my lower thigh by my knee and bruised my elbow. I did score two goals however. The first was a screen shot and the second was an awesome pass by some 16 year old, that one was all him, I just took the credit. I wont be playing this week due to my in-laws coming over and I got a bit of a cold happening (again) but I will be back out next weekend and hopefully most saturday nights after that.

Got a new beer this week, an imperial stout called Storm King from Victory Brewery. Black as night and strong. It is pretty much a typical imperial stout. A bit of coffee and malt aroma. Kinda hoppy and molasses taste to it. Not bad, not great though. 12 bucks for a 6 pack but it lasted me all week so I guess in the long run it was worth the price.

Also Town Hall Brewery in Minneapolis has a Belgian Triple on tap which is very good. I will be getting a growler of this for the game on Sunday, you know, they one where the Giants beat the Packers and New England proceeds to take over the NFL once and for all.

I leave you with yet another article about our good friend Huckabee.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Second Thoughts On Huckabee

If you read this blog you probably get the impression I am not a big Huckabee fan. And while I am still not I am starting not fear his presidency lie I used to. Still I think his "quarantine" comments and his religious views are rather strict but that is just the thing, they are strict, as in he actually follows what he preaches. For example, when he was governor of Arkansas he signed legislation that extended coverage of health care to children called ARKids First which cut the number of uninsured kids in his state. While hje was governor he signed a lot of legislation that actually praticed what he preached. I guess I was so used to religious politicians being fakes that when one actually came up I was skeptical. I would have to say this guy has more religious honest in his little pinkey than George Bush could ever wish for.

Now, that being said I am still very much against his election. While he has created decent legislation in Arkansas he also injected his religion into alot of aspects of those bills. While he did signed the Child Welfare Agency Licensing Act in 1997 which included provisions that made sure that the religious organizations preach their faith to the people they are helping. Is this a bad thing? Well, no it is not, but it is also not right, religiously. As the saying goes "Preach the gospel frequently and if necessary, use words." One of the main reasons religion turned me off as a child is because I had a few family members that kept shoving it in my direction. I would come home at times and find a mini bile on my pillow. I would get religious material sent in my name to my house, heck, I am still getting it. My parents were not religious, my late grandma was an atheist so I had to sides in my life that were vastly different. One side preached to me, while the other let me be. As a child there was no question which one I would gravitate my beliefs or non beliefs to. But that is not say I am against religion or even religious people running my country. Now when they inject their faith into their bills to not only do some good but to pad their numbers of people in their faith I find that very uncomfortable. Because if you ever listen to the words of Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and others that have a very prominent influence in many members of our government, and they say things like "Homosexuality cause 9/11" and "We should assassinate Hugo Chavez and take his counties oil" and these are supposedly godly people, it tells me that they are not the game for the betterment of the world but to change money in the temple. Is Huckabee of these guys or politicians? I dont know quite yet. But one look at last night Republican debate and how every candidate went after Huckabee and called him a democrat and not a Reagan republican and Huckabee took it in stride and stuck with his message I started to think a bit differently about him. He is NOT what the GOP wants, he is an outsider and someone like him as the republican candidate for the presidency would get good natured people who are spellbound by the false family values that the current party preaches to think about what their faith is and what this country is doing to the world. We sit back and claim to be a very spiritual land but one look at what out trade agreements and war and we are quite hypocritical.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

She Talks!

Well, it is actually more of a babble but still, only 4 months old and she is already trying to mimic us.

It is nothing short of amazing. You would not believe the joy I get when I come home and she smiles at me. Makes a bad day bright. She is also starting to play with toys, sort of, she mostly just holds them and tries to shove them in her mouth, but still. We still need to work on her tummy time and try to get her to sit, she already has a very strong neck and she can stand with minimal support but i guess for developmental reasons they should actually crawl before they stand, don't ask me why.

In beer news I have recently began to try Barley Wines. It was something that I never tried because I was under the impression that it was a fruity lambic "wine" type of thing. But when Flat Earth Brewery said they were coming out with one and gave it a small description it did not sound like I imagined (imagine that). So I got a small bottle of Victory Brewery's Old Horizontal and I was very happy with it. Malty, some hops, nothing too strong though but what is strong is the ABV. 11 for the Old Horizontal but I guess that can be on the low end. The clerk at the store said that this is a good beer have on a cold winter night next to the stove. Which I did not do, I drank it outside in 10 degree weather grilling a steak and I drank it fast so I really didnt get to enjoy it like I should have but it was still very good. I thin I may have to swing by the old Liq tonight and pick me up a 6'er of some Barley Wine.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


Well, it appears a blatant push for a theocracy is a good thing to win the G.O.P. nomination. Huckabee blows away the competition. A ten percent lead... damn! Obama won with a good 7, which I am glad, he may not be what I hope but I think he will be a breath of fresh air. But Huckabee? I really don't think he stands a chance in the national election, that is if it is still Obama. Obama would be able to bring together voters from all over the spectrum. Hillary is too polarizing, which is not her fault, but she is and if she is the candidate I fear a Huckabee presidency, which I cant fathom but then again, they guy who started the greatest military blunder and presided over the greatest attack on the U.S. won against an actual war hero, so anything is possible.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Years

Welcome 2008. Not really much to say on this end. Just got over a cold and a stomach flu which pretty much incapacitated me for the past two weeks. Though I did have some good days mostly they have been rather blah. Been skating more and biking less, which I guess is a good trade off but hopefully some of this snow will melt and I can get back out there.

Today I will leave you all with a link of my friend Luke's yearly wrap up, enjoy.