Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I guess I am a Dad now.

Well, I actually have been for about a year now, her birthday is the 27. But last night, Kelly was at her book club so I put Delia to bed. She usually sits in her crib for like a half hour to an hour just chillin, so I was in the living room watching some Star Trek when I hear "Dad!". Not a cry or a scream just the sound of Delia calling my name. So I went up there, saw her sitting there looking through the sheets trying to find her nuk, I helped, found it, gave it to her and she looked up at me, smiled and then toppled over and proceeded to fall asleep. Too cool.


Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

That is seriously the sweetest thing ever. I wish I would have heard her!

~B. said...

Awwwww. :) Totally sweet.

I love that you two tag each other on blogging, too. Too cool. :D

Anonymous said...

Now that is sweet!!!