Here she is being happy that I came home:

Well folks. I have finally done it. I am now commuting to work directly to home, and vice a versa. Though I still take the bus when needed, like last night when it was down pouring but other than that I bike most of this week. It all started when I did the Tour de Cure for diabetes last weekend. I joined up with a bunch of guys from the Minneapolis Bike Love message board and they all planned on doing the whole 45 while I only thought I could do 25, well, after the 25 I felt fine so I did the rest with them and it was not bad at all, a bit sore here and there but I thought I would be toast, but nope. So then I figured if I could do that then the 12 mile it is from my house to work should be no problem, and it wasn't. Yeah, my wrist and butt/waist was still a bit sore from the 50 mile trek but all in all it was really no big deal. I had to alter my routes slightly but now I think I found the perfect route. Plus there is not as much traffic as I thought there would be, though there is a stretch between 694 and Country Rd H where I bike on the sidewalk, there are a lot of big trucks on that stretch and it seems people use it as a detour and drivers that commute to work in their cars are impatient assholes, sorry if you are one of them but seriously, there are two lanes, is it really necessary to fly by me within inches? Oh, and the best part of the commute is that it takes me right by Barley Johns Brew Pub where I had a delicious IRA which stands for India Red Ale, so it is basically a India Pale Ale and a Red Ale combined. Now I have the best of both worlds, if I bus it I go right by Town Hall Brewery and if I bike it is Barley Johns, too sweet. Plus, I have only filled my gas tank in my truck once in the past two months, and it is full as we speak. Gas prices? Meh, who needs the worry. Though the cost of other things are rising because if that but hey, we wanted our big gas guzzelers when we didn't need them and now the demand is up and supply is down, we get what we deserve. Should have thought about the repercussions but nope, we were having too much fun buying big toys and monstrosities to lug around those big toys with. We get what we deserve.
Just got back from Arizona a couple of weeks ago. Had a great time, didn't really do much. Got to see a good friend and we chilled out, more accurately sweltered it out, it was an average of 110 the whole week we were there. Which wasn't so bad, it is a dry heat, but still very hot, but if you were in the shade then it wasn't so bad. Here is Delia in the shade with her sun hat.

Went to a few brew pubs while I was there. First one was Oggies where Eric and I watched the STANLEY CUP CHAMPIONS DETROIT RED WINGS beat the Dallas Stars to go on to the finals, which they won, boo yaa. Most of the beers there were OK, they had a Scottish Ale which was pretty good and a wheat beer that I enjoyed. But they also had a awesome beer called Hop Juice which was hoppy and strong. But it was kinda weird because I didn't get it on tap but I got a couple bottles of it and the label said Left Coast Brewery, not Oggies and they had a bunch of locations in California. Which made sense because I saw the tanks, or more likely tank, and it occured to me that they probably don't brew it there. But a few days later I did go to Four Peaks Brewery which do brew their own beer there and had a Peach Ale which was very tasty, light but I love peaches so this was good. Though I got a feeling that 3 or more would loose it's uniques fast. I wanted their Barley Wine but they just ran out, damn. Other than that we spent most of the time by the pool, Delia is still very young so we couldn't really go too far without her having to sleep and being that temp was astronomical is was best to stay close to our hotel though we did take a walk in the desert early one morning. You can see pics of that in my wife's blog (link is to your right). I survived the plane yet again. I really don't like those things, here is me venting my frustration.

That is it for now. Congratulations to the Red Wings, the last time a team I wanted to win won was the Devils in 2003. Now all we need is the Wild to do it and my life will be complete. And get yourself some Pranqster beer from North Coast Brewery. Good stuff.
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